Postcards by Tags

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Postcard #340

Postcard #340 from Germany.

Date: 24.12.19
Depicts: Nuernberg
From: selfbought and sent from Nuernberg.
Stamps: "Starthistle - Centaurea sp.", Germany, 2019.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Postcard #339

Postcard #339 from USA.

Date: 27.11.19 - a lucky day on Star Wars postcards 
Depicts: Imperial docking bay.
From: got from postcrosser Diane.

My 249th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Grapes", USA, 2017; "Liberty Bell "Forever", USA, 2009; "50th Anniversary of Moon Landing", USA, 2019.

Postcard #338

Postcard #338 from Germany.

Date: 27.11.19 - a lucky day on Star Wars postcards 
Depicts: Darth Vader on planet Hoth, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire strikes back.
From: got from postcrosser Ralf.

My 248th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Starthistle - Centaurea sp.", Germany, 2019.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Postcard #337

Postcard #337 from Germany.

Date: 21.11.19
Depicts: "Liebe geht dutch die Nase" (Love comes through the nose)
From: got from postcrosser Ingrid.

My 247th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Starthistle - Centaurea sp.", Germany, 2019.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Postcard #336

Postcard #336 from Belarus.

Date: 19.10.19
Depicts: Meteora, Greece
From: got from postcrosser Mikhail.

My 246th postcard from project.
Stamps: "70th anniversary of the United Nations", Belarus, 2015.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Postcard #335

Postcard #335 from Germany.

Date: 19.10.19
Depicts: "Woman with parasol facing right", Claude Monet
From: got from postcrosser Marike.

My 245th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Starthistle - Centaurea sp.", Germany, 2019.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Postcard #334

Postcard #334 from Switzerland.

Date: 16.09.19
Depicts: The Great Pyramids of Giza.
From: got from postcrosser Oman.

My 244rd postcard from project.
Stamps: This is a selfdesigned web stamp.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Postcard #333

Postcard #333 from Russia.

Date: 26.09.19
Depicts: Sevastopol, Crimea.
From: got from my friend Kate.
Stamps: "Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)", Russia, 2008; "Moose (Alces alces)", Russia, 2008.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Postcard #332

Postcard #332 from Greece.

Date: 16.09.19
Depicts: Greek island view.
From: got from my friend Anna.
Stamps: "Centenary of the founding of Greek Mathematical Sosiety", Greece, 2018.

Postcard #331

Postcard #331 from Portugal

Date: 16.09.19
Depicts: TAP A3230-200 Airbus. 
From: got from postcrosser Teresa.

My 243rd postcard from project.
Stamps: "European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)", Europa series, portugal, 2019.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Postcard #330

Postcard #330 from Slovakia

Date: 11.09.19
Depicts: a sunset with caption "Boh je mojim svetlom, ktore nezapada." (God is the light that does not fit).
From: got from postcrosser Terezia.

My 242nd postcard from project.
Stamps: "Rotunda of St. Margaret in Šivetice", Slovakia, 2009; "President of Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová", Slovakia, 2019; "Biennial of Illustrations (Bratislava 2017)", Slovakia, 2017.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Postcard #329

Postcard #329 from Czech Republic.

Date: 29.08.19
Depicts: kittens.
From: got from postcrosser Bozena.

My 241st postcard from project.
Stamps: "Fairy Amálka - stamp from booklet", Czech Republic, 2016; "Bob and Bobek floating in a boat", Czech Republic, 2015; "Alpine cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens)", Czech Republic, 2007.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Postcard #328

Postcard #328 from Vatican.

Date: 12.08.19
Depicts: "La creazione di Adamo", Michelangelo, c. 1512
From: got from my friend Kate.
Stamps: "Pontificate of Pope Francis", Vatican, 2019.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Postcard #327

Postcard #327 from Italy.

Date: 08.08.19
Depicts: two Venetian cats :)
From: selfbought and sent from Venezia.
Stamps: "Venezia", GPS mail box, Italy, 2019.
This stamp is from the private mail carrier GPS which was bought in the souvenir store. Actually I don't like these, I prefer official state stamps, but this was my mistake.

Postcard #326

Postcard #326 from Russia.

Date: 08.08.19
Depicts: "До самой далекой планеты не так уж, друзья, далеко!" (The furthest planet is not that far way, friends!") with illustration of Gagarin.
From: got from my friend Kate.
Stamps: "Московский кремль" (Moscow kremlin), Russia, 2009; "Псковский кремль" (Pskov kremlin), Russia, 2009; "Казанский кремль" (Kazan kremlin), Russia, 2009.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Postcard #325

Postcard #325 from China.

Date: 02.08.19
Depicts: a cute Rabby's cafe.
From: got from postcrosser Susie.

My 240th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Sand Lake", China, 2016; "Backpacking", China, 2015.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Postcard #324

Postcard #324 from Portugal.

Date: 26.07.19
Depicts: "Greetings from... Portugal", official.
From: got from postcrosser Alice.

My 239th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Traditional Desserts (Series II): Sintra Pillow"; Portugal; 2018.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Postcard #323

Postcard #323 from Germany.

Date: 25.07.19
Depicts: Killingerhouse in Idstein, Germany.
From: got from postcrosser Bernd.

My 238th postcard from project.
Scan the QR-code and you may learn more :)
Stamps: "Starthistle - Centaurea sp.", Germany, 2019.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Postcard #322

Postcard #322 from USA.

Date: 22.07.19
Depicts: a beautiful postbox.
From: got from postcrosser Leslie.

My 237th postcard from project.
Stamps: "USA Flag 2018 - Coil Single version 1", USA, 2018; "Birds In Winter: Blue Jay", USA, 2018; "Parodia scopa", USA, 2019.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Postcard #321

Postcard #321 from Ukraine.

Date: 20.07.19
Depicts: Lighthouse in Ireland.
From: got from postcrosser Nina.

My 236th postcard from project.
Postcard sent from Germany, though with Ukrainian ID.
Stamps: "Dianthus plumarius - Common Pink", Germany, 2014"Phlox", Germany, 2017.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Postcard #320

Postcard #320 from Baltic sea (German land) .

Date: 18.07.19
Depicts: Sedov Sailtraining Ship.
From: got from my friend Kate when she was on Sedov.
Stamps: "1000th Anniversary of Consecration of Worms Cathedral", Germany, 2018.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Postcard #319

Postcard #319 from Austria.

Date: 11.07.19
Depicts: Lighthouse: Phare de Chassiron auf der Ile d'Oleron, Frankreich.
From: got from postcrosser Christian.

My 235th postcard from project.
Stamps: "Coat of Arms of Vorarlberg", Austria, 2018; "Europa 2015 – Old toys -Matador", Austria, 2015.

Postcard #318

Postcard #318 from Finland.

Date: 11.07.19
Depicts: an illustration of an owl.
From: got from postcrosser Erika.

My 234rd postcard from project.
Stamps: "Archipelago", Finland, 2008; "Golden swan", Finland, 2015.